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Thursday, April 12, 2012

Easter Thursday

Luke 24:36-39

Jesus himself stood among them and said, “Peace be with you … Why are you troubled?  And why do questions arise in your hearts?  Look at my hands and my feet, see that it is me.  Touch me and see.”

Can I let myself go to the place where Jesus waits?  Jesus is not playing hard to get.  Spending time with Jesus always increases my self-respect, even when, as Job put it, “I despise myself and repent in dust and ashes.”

Satan will use guilt and shame to condemn me and confuse my future.  He really doesn’t think I have a future.  He whispers the cynic’s slogan in my ear: “Life sucks, David, and then you die.”

The authentic touch of Jesus repairs that damage.  He sees my sin more clearly than anyone (including Satan), and reminds me of his forgiveness, reminds me of the Quality Built In when he made me, and with his touch brings me breath and living water.

“Why are you troubled?  Why do questions arise in your heart?  Look, I am with you.  Look, it is me.  This is not a test.  This is not a joke.  This is what you were born for.”

“Lift up your head, and open your eyes.”

Jesus, you ask me for the simplest things.  And so often I refuse.  When you offer me your hand and a cool drink of acceptance, I want to say yes.  Help me open my eyes to you and shape my mouth to say the simple word.  Yes.


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