Now it’s Thomas time

This is the end of the Octave of Easter. There are six Sundays in the Easter season, and on the fiftieth day comes Pentecost. I’ll send devotions for each of those seven Sundays.


For all of today’s readings, please click on the DATE below.

Now it’s Thomas time

Second Sunday of Easter, April 23, 2017

Jesus came, although the doors were locked, and stood in their midst. He said, “Peace be with you.” Then he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here and see my hands, and bring your hand and put it into my side, and do not be unbelieving, but believe.” Thomas answered and said to him, “My Lord and my God!”– from John 20

Where was Thomas? He wasn’t with the disciples when Jesus came to them the first time. Was he by himself? Did he seek privacy and time alone to think through the last three years, and especially the last three days? Perhaps he was questioning the answers he thought Jesus had given him about how to live, about the meaning of life.

Now Thomas has fallen behind. Members like Thomas of the enneagram’s “head” triad, the 5/6/7s, often hang back, waiting to be sure they understand, and then they feel like life has passed them by. Because it has!

But Jesus knew Thomas. His friend was important to him, and Jesus returned to give him what he needed. Unlike Mary, who needed to let go, Thomas needed to reach out beyond himself and hold on. Give me your hand, put your finger here.

Suzanne Zuercher describes Jesus’ communication with Thomas: “Do not stay over there inside yourself and gather information about me. Know by touch. Feel how much I have given for you, done for you, so that you may live. Know the depth of the wound in my side, which has completely emptied my life blood for your sake.”

Jesus reminds Thomas that thinking about life is not all there is to life; concepts about living are only a tip of the life-berg. Faith involves heart and body as well as mind. Come and feel the wound in my side. Come and touch me, eat me, assimilate me. This is my body.

Suzanne thinks Jesus “led Thomas out into that frightening world to which Thomas felt he had nothing to offer except his ideas and insights and mental relationships. He drew all of Thomas forth: mind and body, thought and action, awareness and conviction, appraisal and belief.”

Of the fullness of time in this rich life, we have so much to give each other. Some of us are best at anticipating the future, some drink up all that’s in the present moment. Others, like Thomas (and me), seek to understand the past and bring its lessons into focus now.

“Thomas, with his need to know all about, to inquire and verify, to substantiate and validate, provided the entire community of disciples with opportunity for faith informed with feeling and considered belief. Those people who probe deeply and patiently before they reach out to meet and partake of the person of Jesus continue to provide such witness.”

Lord, I’m not afraid to love you now. In my new freedom, the world seems limitless. Once I believed in you, but I had remade you and deprived you of your mercy. I didn’t realize what I had done, and the world seemed small and old. Now it’s new. Now it’s all brand new. In your mercy, Lord, hear my prayer. (Prayer adapted from epilogue of film The Mosquito Coast)

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