Straighten up and fly right

Straighten up  and fly right

Sunday, December 2, 2012

First Sunday of Advent

Luke 21:26-28

Jesus said to the people, “The powers of the heavens will be shaken.  And then they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.  When these signs begin to happen, stand up straight and raise your heads, because your redemption is at hand.”

In Tai chi class I am learning to drop my shoulders and feel an imaginary string pull the top of my head toward the sky.  Without thinking about it, I begin to breathe more deeply and slowly.  My mind quiets with each of those breaths, and it is much easier to remember God’s presence and thank Him for it.

I’m experiencing an unexpected cooperation between my body, my mind and my soul.  What’s really cool is that it starts with my body, and that this works.  What doesn’t work, usually, is for thoughts in my mind to have much effect on my body.

Jesus, perfect man that he was, lived his life with a natural awareness of his mind and body.  Their interconnectedness might have amazed him as it does me, but I think I experience them being separated, and Jesus did not.  When they get split up, I get messed up.  When I think and ignore my body, I get sick.  And vice-versa: when I keep my body pushing and ignore my mind, I get sick then too!

When Jesus comes, I want to follow him right into heaven.  And I’m learning a little about that right now, as I “stand straight and raise my head,” for my “redemption is at hand.”

Whether that is on December 21, 2012 or not* , only a few more days of time will tell.  What means much more to me is this moment, this day, right now.

Put your hands on me, Lord, and guide me.  Show me your way of standing straight.  Teach me to raise my head, and lead me in the way everlasting.

* There have been many predictions over the centuries of dates for apocalyptic events:

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