Love mercy

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Love mercy

Saturday, March 25, 2017

The angel Gabriel told Mary, “Of his Kingdom there will be no end.” – From Luke 1

Smack in the middle of Lent comes this reminder of the baby born. Today we celebrate the “Annunciation of the Lord.” And this shall be a sign unto you, you shall find a babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. His name will be called Jesus. And of his Kingdom, there will be no end.

Just as God said to Ahaz, so he says to all of us: “Let the sign be deep as the nether world, or high as the sky!” Claim whatever spot you can, and stay on the edge of your seat. The Lord is passing.

God has given me ears that can be open to obedience. Here we are, Lord; we come to do your will. Be merciful, for the Lord your God is merciful. My humbled ears are more tuned in to hear the whistling sound of angels in the sky as they accompany our savior, who calls out, “Behold, I come!” Let me love you, so you can love each other.

Does not the Word of God become flesh and make his dwelling here? What glory shines in the darkness, as we light the candles and swing the smoking censer? Sweet incense leads the way into the Gospel, full of grace. Do not be afraid.

As Mary finds favor, so do we. As Mary conceives and bears a son, so her son is born for us as well. In the city of David, a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. Tell us all, Gabriel. How can this be?

The Holy Spirit’s power overshadows Mary, and overshadows me, and none of this impossible for God. Simple shepherds rise and sing. Ox and lambs sink to their knees. A star is rising in the east.

Mary bows her head. “Behold I am handmaiden, Lord. Let it be done to me according to your word.”

Our ears all open as our eyes all close. We hear the singing in the sky. God is near. The angel departs, and we begin to pray.

Come, Lord Jesus. Come!

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