Sweet lemonade with Jesus

Thursday, April 16, 2020       (today’s lectionary)

In all due innocence Peter asks a simple question.

 “Why are you so amazed at this?”

Yes, you put to death the Author of Life, but God raised him from the dead. We are witnesses, and by faith in the name of Jesus, this man has been made strong.

Of course you acted out of ignorance, but no matter. Even in your ignorance and the ignorance of your leaders, God brought forth to fulfillment what he announced a long time ago.

So repent! Be converted! Let your sins be wiped away. Receive your times of refreshment.

Oh, Jesus, I am ready for some lemonade on the front porch. I am ready to sit across from you on those rockers we have had forever. My grandpa and grandma sat in those old chairs, and now it’s you and me.

But don’t you know, David, that I have places to go and promises to keep?

That’s not what I heard, or not that exactly. Can’t you be in more than one place at a time, since “time” and “space” don’t work the same way with you as they do with us?

OK … I was making a joke, but you didn’t laugh. Yes, let’s just sit here awhile. There’s no hurry. We have all the Time in the world.

I’ll bet we have all the time in heaven too. But wait … time in heaven?

Only the Kairos kind.


I love to watch the butterflies and listen to the sound of the leaves blowing in the wind. And look, the cows are wandering back to the barn, hungry, ready to be milked.

Shall we go?

Sure, and you helped me milk another time, it was wonderful, but now my dad isn’t here to go along with us.

He’s doing fine. He’ll be with us in Kairos spirit.

I remember now, you have made him a little less than the angels. What a piece of work is man! My dad, this man, what a piece of work!

Your people have made that sound foolish, sarcastic, untrue. But it’s not. Truly, your father is a wonderful piece of work. I’m very proud of him.

Aren’t you proud of everyone?

Of course.

What is man that you are mindful of him? Why do you care for him?

I think you know. I’m in love with all of you, and also all sheep and oxen, and beasts of the field and birds of the air and fish of the sea. It’s all good. And you, your dad, the children of the field, the children of God are VERY good.

Bless you, Jesus. What a day this has been!

As it is now, so it was then. The Lord bless you and keep you …

Jesus stood in their midst and said, “Peace be with you.”

The Lord make his face shine upon you …

Touch me and see, and find me something to eat, will you?

And be gracious unto you …

And he ate the fish they found and opened their minds to understand the Scriptures. And you, he said, “are witnesses of all these things.”

And give you peace.

So it is written. So it is done. (Acts 2, Psalm 8, Luke 24)


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