Making right

Today’s readings: Click on today’s date at

Making right

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Wednesday of the Third Week of Lent

Deuteronomy 4:6

Observe these laws carefully, for thus you will give evidence of your wisdom and intelligence to the nations, who will hear of all these statutes and say, “This great nation is truly a wise and intelligent people.”

It seemed like a good idea at the time.

What went wrong?  And what continues to go wrong?  Memorizing the Bible and following its precepts moves us toward what some call “heroic virtue.”  This is defined as “performing virtuous actions with uncommon ease and pleasure, from supernatural motives and without human reasoning.”  My actions are loving and my motives are pure.

I need to sit with these readings about the law and approach them from the edges.  Because I know that so much has gone wrong in spite of God’s desire to fill us with heroic virtue.  I think he wants us all to be heroes.  And we will have none of it.

Why are we afraid?  When we gather, so often we become a mob instead of consecrated children worshipping God.  We move away from God rather than toward him.  We even kill those who seem different from us.  That is neither wise nor intelligent, and inspires no admiration.  In these shallow self-protective decisions we are undone.

Jesus provides an edge for me in today’s Gospel reading.  “Whoever obeys and teaches these commandments will be called greatest in the Kingdom of heaven.”  “Great” for Jesus is all about humility, loving God and loving others as I love myself.  This obedience is the only kind of “teaching” that works.  Paul calls it parakaleo, exhorting alongside someone.  We call it mentoring, discipling, setting an example, apprenticeship, being a sponsor.

This kind of teaching requires one-on-one relationship, empathy, warmth, respect, and mutuality.  A pedestal is no dwelling place for people working this way to love each other, yet they are truly heroes.

In this Jesus-culture, unity develops in the midst of diversity, not in spite of it.  Uniformity fails to attract because it is based on fear, and there is no fear in love.  I’m drawn to this culture and see its wisdom and intelligence.  It is what God intends for us, both now and way back when in the days of Deuteronomy.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.  As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end.  Amen.

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