From Berkeley to Carmel

Wednesday, June 17, 2020                 (today’s lectionary)


From Berkeley to Carmel

I have done a lot of hitchhiking.

Now I know there were no semis on the roads of ancient Israel, no cars, no shoulders to stand on with your thumb out. But still, I think of Elijah and Elisha thumbing rides all the time.

Especially now, as Elijah heads home on the last leg of his life’s journey. Elisha sticks close to him with the glue of growing love. He knows the time has come to say goodbye, but he just won’t let Elijah go.

Elisha has been a shot in the arm for Elijah’s fame and popularity; there are now fifty professional prophets following them around. They walk from Gilgal to Bethel to Jericho to the Jordan. At the river, Elijah struck water with his rolled up cloak and the water parted. No bridge necessary on this sun-filled, cloudy day.

Elijah promised Elisha a gift of parting, and Elisha asked for double the gifts God gave Elijah.

All you have to do, Elisha, is see me taken up from you. So Elisha kept his eyes open, yes he did.

But a flaming chariot came down between them, and Elijah went up to heaven in a whirlwind.

Not fair, God, not fair! Elisha couldn’t be sure of what he saw. Elijah did not die, but flew up to heaven in a sudden spinning cloud.

Could it be?

Then Elisha picked up Elijah’s mantle, struck the Jordan where Elijah had struck it, and the water parted too for Elisha. God’s gifts were laid on him twofold.

It was a very good start.


But do not, Jesus said to his disciples. DO NOT be righteous in full view.

The public may praise you, but you will not hear much from our heavenly Father. Your righteousness is not in competition with his. The created one cannot supplant the Creator, no never not ever, so just don’t try.

Be quiet about what you do and be quiet about what you give.

DO NOT give your money or your time to the sound of trumpets.

Instead don’t let your left hand know what your right hand is doing.

Don’t worry. Your heavenly Father will see it all.

And DO NOT pray with careful words that make a big splash and a lot of noise. And DO NOT always say the same thing.

Be creative, let the Holy Spirit fill up your mouth with something new.

Eugene Peterson translates the words of Jesus:

Here’s what I want you to do. Find a quiet, secluded place so you won’t be tempted to role-play before God. Just be there as simply and honestly as you can manage. The focus will shift, from you to God, and you will begin to sense his grace.


You store up your goodness, Lord, for those who fear you

It’s always on display for those who trust you

When you hide us away

When you slam the door on others’ oily, mocking faces

When you silence their poisonous gossip

It is no secret:

Your love is the wonder of the world


So be brave

Be strong

The Lord thy God is with thee

                   (2 Kings 2, Matthew 6, Psalm 31)


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