Morning has broken

Friday, May 12, 2023

(click here to listen to or read today’s scriptures)

Morning has broken

My heart is steadfast. O God I will sing and chant praise. Awaken, O my soul! I will wake the dawn.

At sunrise the lion on top of the mountain at Kerrville welcomes me to today. At Kerrville I went to bed early and got up early, and the sunrise was my reward. I haven’t been getting up early lately. In Austin I could be walking in the dark morning air over to Grace Church, sitting among the live oaks and feeling the quiet, the peace, the stirring of the day. My body would welcome that, right? Conforming to the rhythms of the sun.

Your mercy towers toward the heavens and your faithfulness to the skies. Be exalted ABOVE the heavens, O God. Above all the earth be your glory!

Jasper and Miles wake up at 5:30, at least that’s what I hear. They wake up early when they sleep over at our house, in their tent, whispering to each other about how they shouldn’t make noise while they find their own breakfast and bring it back to the tent. I want to wake up with them, and greet the day. Dawn, the barest streaks of light along the eastern sky, brings us to our senses.

We saw IMAX “Dinosaurs in Antarctica” on Wednesday with Jasper at the Bullock State History Museum. It intermingled scenes of dinosaurs preying on each other in a lush green paradise 175 million years ago, with preparation for and accomplishing a geologic mission from  Tent City near McMurdo Station at Christmas (summertime). We wondered if the big in-your-face dinosaurs would be too scary, but not really, not since Jasper could sit in our laps and hold our hands.

Later in the day we made ice cream cone cake pops, which tasted good and were very snazzy looking. Jasper took this picture. Andi and Miles had an appetizer of cream cheese rolled in ham and a ice cream cone cake pop when they got back from school.

We had a little peanut butter and jelly with a frito pie at the Star Café and then, on the way home Jasper was asleep in an instant. We stayed awake just long enough to get home and put him in bed.

He was up at 5:30 that morning. We were up when we had to be, like 7 or so. Which is earlier than usual for me. I talked to a friend yesterday, who also wants to get up earlier. I don’t think we’ll become accountability partners, but maybe we should. There is so much world out there, and inside me as well. Get plenty of sleep at the right times of the day and night, and enjoy that big world that God gave us all.

I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit that will remain, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name he may give you. This I command you: Love one another.

 (Acts 15, Psalm 57, John 15)

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