Eyes so wide open

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Eyes so wide open

Monday, December 5, 2016

Second Week of Advent

Luke 5:26

Astonishment seized them all and they glorified God, and, struck with awe, they said, “We have seen incredible things today.”

I haven’t been astonished enough lately.

On second thought … I look at pictures of Miles and my eyes open wide. I know when Andi felt the change inside and suddenly her baby was right there with her, her eyes couldn’t have been wider. She was astonished. I am astonished.

This week I saw both Jack (7) and Aly (4) laughing and then silent in amazement. Their mouths fall open, their eyes get wide. More than once, astonished. It’s an everyday thing for them. And hallelujah … it’s catching!

How many eyes were opened on the day Jesus forgave the sins of a paralyzed man, and then healed his body as an afterthought. Can I imagine that? I haven’t moved my legs since last year? They are wasting away, and then Jesus looks at me and touches me and speaks to me and heals me.

Are Jesus’ eyes wide too? The bible says that on this day, “the power of the Lord was with him for healing.” Maybe he grew accustomed to his own abilities. And maybe he was continually astonished at the power of God. I know he loved those people he spoke to and touched. His compassion for them was endless and enduring. Is endless and enduring. His compassion for me is endless and enduring.

This story blows me away like a dandelion puff in the wind of the Spirit (in Luke 5:17-26 and retold by the Donut Man). All of a sudden I’m laughing and jumping and praising God, right here on the second Monday of Advent in the year of our Lord 2016. Astonished again, with my eyes open oh so wide.

There is a hole in my roof. Storms are coming. I need to take that seriously, get that hole fixed. But I’m so glad Jesus came, and they lowered that guy down through the hole, and that we were all amazed again by God in our midst.

What stories we have to tell, Lord. The days are just packed! You come and stir up our lives, and we can laugh and sing and open up our eyes, and know at last how much we’re loved. You hide us in the shadow of your wings, and then you fly up with us and the sky is blue and all around us beauty, Lord. Your joy becomes ours. Oh … what stories!



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