Guinness grace

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Guinness grace

Friday, March 17, 2017

Jesus said, “Hear another parable: There was a landowner who planted a vineyard, put a hedge around it, dug a wine press in it, and built a tower. Then he leased it to tenants and went on a journey. When vintage time drew near, he sent his servants to the tenants to obtain his produce. But the tenants seized the servants, and one they beat, another they killed, and a third they stoned.” – From Matthew 21

As I read this parable, I think it sounds like Irish history, appropriate especially on St. Patrick’s Day. These days the rivers are painted green in San Antonio and Chicago, but in the old days, the blood ran red down the middle of the Irish streets. Hatred and revenge filled hearts on every side.

And then I remembered a Kindle book I bought a few months ago, still on sale today for 99 cents: The Search for God and Guinness. Paul Sohn’s blog discusses the book. Did you know that:

… Arthur Guinness felt God calling him to “make a drink that men will drink that’s good for them.” His beer contained so much iron that people felt full before they could drink too much. Later, in the mid 1700’s, Arthur founded the first Irish Sunday School.

… Arthur’s grandson’s preaching was compared favorably to that of D.L. Moody and Charles Spurgeon.

… And not least importantly, that researchers in Wisconsin concluded that a daily pint of Guinness bolsters health and is much better for you than the caffeine in coffee or high fructose corn syrup in soda.

In 1928, Guinness employees had 24-hour medical and dental care, along with on-site massage therapy. Their funeral expenses were paid in full. They received a pension which required no contribution from them. Their family’s education (wife, children and employee) was paid for in full. The company provided libraries, reading rooms, and athletic facilities for everyone to use.

In five sentences, here is the essence of the Guinness Way:

  1. Discern the ways of God for life and business.
  2. Think in terms of generations yet to come.
  3. Whatever else you do, do at least one thing very well.
  4. Master the facts before you act.
  5. Invest in those you would have invest in you.

In case you decide to drink a Guinness today, drink it from the glass, not can or bottle. That trademark thick head of foam is the result of nitrogen released when it is poured.

The Pharisees would not have known what to say. But I think Jesus would have clapped his hands and laughed out loud.

Lord, let our dancing celebration honor you. Let us rejoice and be glad in it! You lead us forth in peace, as the mountains and hills sing for joy, and all the trees clap their hands. Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us. Open our eyes to all the brothers and sisters, all God’s children, every one.

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