Fill my empty places

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Memorial of Saint John Bosco, Priest

(click here to listen to or read today’s scriptures)

Fill my empty places

David’s prophet Gad went to David and reported what the Lord God had said. “I offer you three alternatives; choose one of them, and I will inflict it on you.” Gad then went to David to inform him. He asked: “Do you want a three years’ famine to come upon your land, or to flee from your enemy three months while he pursues you, or to have a three days’ pestilence in your land?

David had disobeyed the Lord and made a census of the fighting men in Israel. God’s response shook him to the core. Three years, three months, or three days … but each would punish thousands as well as the king himself. The thousands were guiltless, only David had sinned. But they would be punished alongside their king.

David chose the pestilence. It was at the time of the wheat harvest when the plague broke out. Seventy thousand people died. But when the angel stretched forth his hand toward Jerusalem to destroy it, the Lord said “Enough now! Stay your hand.”

Samuel warned the people they would suffer if they decided to crown a king, in small ways but now, in big ways too. They looked around at other peoples and saw their kings, so they wanted one themselves. They wanted to be normal, fill the empty places with what they saw, rather than what God showed them. That didn’t work then, and it doesn’t work now.

Reading the Bible and then following up with other chronicles of the history of humanity, I feel overwhelmed by the sameness of it all. Scientific progress hasn’t changed the depths inside our hearts and minds. We still look mindlessly for something we can control to ease the fear of being alive, rather than surrendering to God. And when that doesn’t work, we look for something else.

Jesus came to his home town and began to teach, and many who heard him were astonished. “Where did this man get all this? What kind of wisdom has been given to him? What mighty deeds are wrought by his hands?”

But since they knew Jesus and his family, they took offense. Jesus, disappointed, left.

He was amazed at their lack of faith.

More and more I resist the restless rhythm of looking for something to do, and then doing it. Our house is full of temptations to move things around, discard other things, fill my car and head for the thrift shop. I could stay all day!

On the other hand, more and more I am drawn to simple stillness, sitting or standing, walking or even kneeling, silent, with no goal in mind. My mind flows through chores undone, but that isn’t where it stops. Gradually my mind quiets down a little, and I just breathe, and pray the name of Jesus.

My eyes tire easily right now, and closing them is a relief. Then the prayer comes easier.

Jesus. Jesus. Jesus.

You are my shelter; from distress you preserve me. With glad cries of freedom you will ring me round.

Of course I am distracted. Of course the chores pile up. But I get to them, some of them at least. Extraverted to the core, I am energized by conversation with people. I got plenty of that yesterday. But then, when that’s done, I return to the quiet place, rest and pray.

My sheep hear my voice, says the Lord. I know them, and they follow me.

(2 Samuel 24, Psalm 32, John 10, Mark 6)

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