Breakfast, lunch and a good wash

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

            (click here to listen to or read today’s scriptures)

Breakfast, lunch and a good wash

Jesus said, “What is the Kingdom of God like? It is like a mustard seed that a man took and planted in the garden. When it was fully grown, it became a large bush and the birds of the sky dwelt in its branches.”

Breakfast with Jasper took some time. We made waffles and bacon and eggs and poured maple syrup and cut strawberries, played with our food and fed each other. We poured grape juice and water together after the grapefruit juice had too much kick. We cleaned everything up. And Margaret said, “It’s good to have a fun breakfast and not have anywhere to go after.”   As she has said for years, “Slow takes time”.

After lunch I said, “I need to wash the car. The bugs of Arkansas and Illinois have covered the hood and the rearview mirrors.”

Jasper said, “I want to help, Grandpa.” Jasper is three and we still hope he will take a nap in the early afternoon.

But he put on his hiking boots and we headed out to wash the car. Margaret had a magic potion called the “BOM,” which cleans, shines and polishes all in one sweep. We took that, along with a cool blue Ikea brush with a suction cup on the end of its handle, an empty spray bottle of Sol-U-Mel from Melaleuca (which means “tea tree oil goodness”), and a 5 gallon bucket half full of water. We had a big yellow chamois, an ugly old unwashable towel that lives in the car, and a fine car washing sponge.

Our soft white Prius sat outside our apartment in the hot, bright sun. It had been raining, so it was damp, but the rain stopped and we began to bake. Jasper wore a long-sleeved black shirt, very sharp, but not right in this sudden sun. He didn’t care. He just grabbed the empty sol-u-mel bottle, I showed him how to fill it with water, and we went to work.

The BOM made magic with the bugs, and Jasper made magic everywhere else. After awhile he began to pour bottles of water on the dirt and the grass, and then gather the muddy water to pour on the car, and then pour clean water on the muddy car to make it white again. It was more fun than a barrel of monkeys.

When we finished he threw everything in the big bucket and dragged it back in our apartment. “I think I need a bath, Grandpa. I’m muddy and soapy, and I sure need a bath.” It was 2 pm by that time. What happened to the early afternoon nap?

So he took off his clothes and I turned on the water. “Make it the hot water, Grandpa. But not too hot. And can I have a cup?” So he took the cup and poured not-too-hot water all over himself over and over and over again. That was his only bath toy, other than the bath mat.

It was more than enough.

Blessed are those who fear the Lord. Your wife shall be like a fruitful vine in the recesses of your home; your children like olive plants around your table.

Margaret brought some clean dry clothes and towels, Jasper put on his pants and tumbled into bed. The quilt was pulled down and the sheets were cool, and he pulled them over his head. Alexa played Bedtime Lullabies, and he was asleep in seconds. He slept until we woke him up for Andi and Miles’ 4 pm return from school.

Tomie dePaola’s story Pancakes for Breakfast is all about using what you’ve got, and not giving up. It’s one of those wordless books, just pictures for you to add your own ideas. We read that story before Miles arrived, and again after he came, all cuddled up in our loveseat. Today felt like one of those days, just picking up what was right there in front of us and using it well.  Earlier Margaret and I had calculated what these lazy kid-filled days were costing us by the month, by the day, then by hour.  Yes, we got some dollar amounts.  Final figure was PRICELESS!

These kids are growing up like mustard seeds, and we get to watch them, and help them, and love them while they grow. Big & tall. Sturdy & cuddly soft, healthy & wise. Learning how much God loves them.

(Ephesians 5, Psalm 128, Matthew 11, Luke 13)

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