We are all in this, together

Thursday, May 11, 2023

(click here to listen to or read today’s scriptures)

We are all in this, together

God, who knows the heart, bore witness by granting the Holy Spirit to Gentiles who heard and believed the Gospel. Just as he did us. He made no distinction between us and them.

Jasper wanted to make friends with our squirrel, so he opened the patio door to go outside. The squirrel stared at him and disappeared under the fence. Another squirrel waited out there. Jasper, well, disappointed as he might have been, liked to see the squirrels pair up. He came back inside to be with his own kind.

But even in here, where there’s no one else but us humans, we will find ways to separate. Since the beginning seems like we have been splitting into groups, for protection and pride, living in fear rather than love. I guess that’s never made much sense to me, partly of course because I have so little to fear as a white middle-class male in America. For many, I’m the scary one.

I help with the Austin Classical School chess club. Their tournament ended last week, and the winners were announced on Monday. White, red and blue ribbons were handed out for each of five grades. Miles (the one with the giant dimples) won the kindergarten blue ribbon.

Every winner got applause and shouts from the club. Later the winners stood at the end of the room for a picture. Our teacher-sponsor told the group, “Everyone with a ribbon, go and get your picture taken as a group. Everyone without a ribbon, well, you can gather your things and you’re dismissed.” An unavoidable separation. How many ribbon-holders swelled with pride? How many of those without ribbons felt a little smaller than they had an hour earlier?

As the Father loves me, so also I love you. Remain in my love.

Competition is the friendly word for war. In war we get killed and we kill. In competition we work to win, while others lose. This seems to be the accepted way to live our lives. For most of us it is difficult to lose. I been taught to win all my life. I certainly felt excited when Miles won his ribbon. Another grandson, Jack, continues to excel (win) at scholastic bowl. I’m so happy for him.

Gonna lay down my sword and shield, down by the riverside

And study war no more.

I’m thinking more and more like one of those Anabaptists, like Sergeant York and Desmond Doss. Think about this:

I win, you lose. That’s AGGRESSIVE.

I lose, you win. That’s PASSIVE.

I lose, you lose. That’s WITHDRAWAL.

I win, you win. That’s the ONLY WAY TO LIVE GOD’S WAY.

I have told you this so that my joy might be in you and your joy might be complete.

 (Acts 15, Psalm 96, John 10, John 15)

(posted at www.davesandel.net)


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